Rabu, 20 April 2011


When Allah gave me a chance to touch you again in an unreal world..
So amazing when you let me know.. 
That you still keep all those memories..
You still remember me nicely..

I can't say anything.. 
I just can feel my heart beating so fast..
And I just knew the most beautiful side of yourself...

Oh God.. *sigh!

What have I done...?
Maybe I'm the stupid one.. *dang!
I've let you go with all those memories and I've not given you even only one chance to be with me..

Now I regret it all... :(
Maybe it's too late for me to reach your heart again.. Coz you're so far away and you're too mysterious for me..

You there...
As always nice as I used to know you..
You've made me feel as "something" when I feel that I'm "nothing"... 
Thank u for all you've done..

As for you to know.. I love how the way you make me feel comfort and how the way you bring back my hope.. And you've rebuilt my confidence to face the truth of my new life.. 

Ya Allah.. I wish I could have even only a little chance to reach that "moon".. But if there's no chance for me at all to have it.. Please protect "my moon" with Your Love.. Amiiiiiin... 


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